A prudent entrepreneur should market their goods on advertising platforms that will guarantee the best return on investment (ROI). What better place to advertise than on Facebook? This social media platform has already surpassed the 2.5 billion active users in a month. Take advantage of such marvelous stats and invest in Facebook audio ads.

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This post has been updated in October 2021.

Why Should Marketers Invest in Facebook Audio Ads?

The internet has 3.4 billion active users. Some of these users can spend an average of 3hrs on social media each day.

Of all the social media sites available, Facebook is their leader, having over 1.6 billion daily active users. These figures can translate into significant traffic for any business or entrepreneur looking to sell his or her products. Furthermore, Facebook is offering diverse advertising options ranging from video to text, images, and audio, among others.

With such numbers, who can deny the power that Facebook has!

Here are other rewards for using Facebook over other social media sites for your audio ads.

Advantages of Facebook Audio Ads

  • Facebook’s daily active user numbers are impressive. You would be insane to bypass a chance to place your brand on a platform with 1.6 billion users daily. Such traffic will aid in increasing your ROI.
  • Different types of Facebook ads– the social media platform offers options for different kinds of ads. They include images, videos, audio, and text advertising. Having these options gives you the freedom to choose a format that best serves your target audience. Such diversity also enables market segmentation of the audience to cater to different market needs.
  • Choice of an audience-This social media platform understands the need by entrepreneurs to advertise only where their customers are. Facebook will aid you in choosing the audience by age, location, gender, and many more.
  • Affordable advertising– Facebook can increase your reach for the most significant target group at the lowest cost, as compared to traditional advertising. Their business model also caters to customized targeting, which is dependent on the client’s budget, of course.
  • Advertisement insights– traditional advertising has the challenge of measuring results accurately. How will they determine the exact number of people who saw your ad on television and the actions they took? Facebook is providing useful insights to help their clients better understand their marketing platform.

It is evident that Facebook advertising will offer immense advantages to advertisers. How crazy is it for a business to ignore such benefits and still hope to remain competitive in the pro-tech era?

Audio advertisement is one of the fastest-growing marketing segments on the internet. When combined with the benefits of Facebook advertisement, it will transform the fortunes of any business or brand.

What are the Advantages of Using Audio Ads?

Many social media are more comfortable watching and listening than reading lengthy text. Research indicates that adding catchy jingles and tunes to your audio ad is of immense benefit to your overall advertising success.

Facebook Audio Ads for audio advertising

Here are other reasons as to why to choose audio advertising:

  • Audio ads have a more significant impact on target customers than conventional advertising- By Integrating the sounds with their preferred content, it will appeal to a broader customer base and make your content memorable. It also promotes customer loyalty.
  • Audio advertisement is less intrusive compared to visual pop-ups– Intrusive advertising can create a negative perception among customers. Use targeted and acceptable Facebook audio ads to evade creating negative perceptions about your products.
  • The ads are cheap compared to the ROI– Procuring a Facebook ad is cheap compared to advertising on other platforms. The insights that come with such advertisements and the ability to select your target audience, among other advantages, will make every dollar spent on audio ads more valuable than what you would pay elsewhere.
  • Listeners take desired action more than any other form of advertising- Audios ads are more convincing than other types of advertisements because they appeal to emotions. Furthermore, there are useful in explaining your desired actions better than images and text.
  • Facebooks audio ads are easy to create and launch. Facebook ads do not require specialized skills or expensive assembly. The ease in preparation and launch does not reduce the effectiveness of these audio ads on Facebook.

If you are looking for an effective and efficient way to advertise on social media, audio ads on Facebook are the way to go. Facebook audio ads are providing marketing solutions to professionals and brands targeting online social media platforms.

While Facebook is an incredible platform to advertise, the nature of your advert will always impact its success on the website. The audio ad should be able to capture the imagination of listeners through imagery impacting thoughts.

Here are excellent tips on how to create an audio ad that sells on Facebook.

How to Create Captivating Facebook Audio Ads?

Millennials, forming the bulk of the advertising target, are spending more time on social media. To take advantage of such statistics, you need to implement the following tips when creating your Facebook audio ads.

  • Create a compelling script– a script is the foundation of any good audio ad because the preferred voice over artist will be reading from this script. The audio script should be sharp and on point. Consider the following aspects of your text to see whether it will serve your audio advertising needs.
    • Hard, medium, or soft sell– how are you going to approach your listeners? Unlike a hard sell, which is usually straight forward, a soft sell does not ask the potential customer to buy directly. The medium will push its potential customer to purchase but in a subtle approach. Choose the right method to boost the chances of conversion and avoid ad as well as brand rejection.
    • Length of your ad– the appropriate length of an audio ad on Facebook remains debatable, even today. However, the agreeable ranges are 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. This measure will affect the information you choose to add on to an ad and what to leave out. Use precise language to capture your message so that the few seconds spent on the ad are efficient.
    • The tone for your conversations– listeners will connect with an ad or audio file based on the tone used. A conversational tone is more appealing to listeners because they feel as though you are speaking to them one-on-one. Try a conversational tone during your next ad and experience the difference.
    • Call-To-Action– what aspect of your script will invite the listener to take a particular action? The Call-to-Action should be strategic such that is does not come too early or too late. A strategic CTA will enhance your conversion.
  • Maintain the Voice of Your Brand– a person listening to your ad should recognize your brand in every advertisement you create for them. You can use words, slogans, and tones used in traditional advertising to maintain consistency of brand voice. If it is a playful brand, like a toy company or a fun city, the same should apply to the tone, voice, and words of your Facebook audio ads. If you are dealing with a serious product like security, the same seriousness needs depiction in the ad. Therefore, the message created by your ad should resonate with the needs of your targeted audience.

Facebook Audio Ads for radio advertising

  • Professional recording– hire a professional artist, and studio, that can deliver ads that meet the highest standards in the market. Listeners and potential clients are most likely to associate brands with the ads they run. If your voice artist fails to deliver your marketing message effectively, how will you convince the listener to seek you out? Adding relevant background effects on your audio ads can be of immense benefit in an attention span deprived society. Use a professional studio that will provide the best audio ad for use on Facebook.
  • Place the ad strategically on your script– some advertisers place promotional materials in such a natural manner that it appears less like an actual ad. Make the right placement decisions for your ad on Facebook. Choose keywords, audience, location, age, and such other elements that are relevant to the products you will be selling. It will help you connect naturally with the audience and elicit the desired outcome from your advertising.

Facebook Advertising Tips to consider in your Audio Ads

It is one thing to place an ad on Facebook and to get a return-on-investment. If it were that easy to reach the target audience and achieve envisaged business goals, then everyone would be on Facebook.

Listed below are proven Facebook advertising tips to consider when running your audio campaign

  • Optimize shares and likes on your ad– have you ever wondered why some people get more likes and shares on an advertisement than others, yet the budget was the same? The answer is in the interaction metrics posted on an ad. The more the likes and shares, the more the ad will go viral, maximizing its reach.
  • Use the Fast-Take-Off method– the strategy involves opening your doors to all possibilities before narrowing down to the most effective. Later, you can choose the best channels that work for you.
  • Optimize your ad schedule– There are hours and days when an ad generates a more significant impact compared to others. Design your ads to appear on these periods to maximize your ROI. By optimizing the schedule, you will be getting better coverage to your desired audience.
  • Rotate the ads to avoid monotony and boredom– people will get tired of even the most exciting ads when heard repeatedly, thus affecting your conversion ratio. Avoid ad fatigue by creating multiple ads and scheduling them to run at different times. A Facebook user will, therefore, encounter the same ad in various versions. If one version does not compel him or her to buy, the alternative edition will do.

The above tips will help you achieve the following simple goals.

  • Boost sale results on a similar budget
  • Reduce the cost of acquiring a single customer
  • Achieve a higher ROI for every campaign
  • Reduce your ad spend
  • Increase the click-through rate for your ads

A summary of the Facebook Audio Ads

The effectiveness of Facebook audio ads depends on how well you design the content, its ability to resonate with the target market, and how you use Facebook features to place the ad. Since Facebook is a gold mine for advertisers, every entrepreneur must take advantage of what it offers to boost their business profile.

Using Facebook audio ads will transform your business to match this pro-tech advertising era.

Create your own Facebook audio ads today with Bunny Studio!