Translation Services - Bunny Studio

Candidatez sans attendre et devenez un traducteur Bunny Studio

Approuvé par plus de 50 000 clients dans le monde entier

Looking to hire a translator instead?

Bunny Studio Creative Services

Qu'est-ce que Bunny Studio ?

Ce que nous recherchons chez un Pro





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Application Process Bunny Studio

Notre processus de candidature

  • 1S'inscrire
  • 2Soumettez votre candidature
  • 3Votre travail est évalué
  • 4Commencez à décrocher des missions

Ce qu'en disent nos Bunny Pros

"Working with Bunny Studio has been an amazing experience, I couldn’t be more grateful! Since I started collaborating with this team of outstanding professionals, I have been able to work in incredible projects and grow my business more than I expected. I’m really thankful to be part of Bunny Studio!"

"The highly competent project managers always give you a feeling of warm personal closeness even though they may be sitting at the other side of the world. With Bunny Studio it`s always a pleasure to keep standards high and deliver excellent translation work."

"Bunny Studio is definitely one of my favorite agencies and I love to work with them! The team is super friendly and supportive, deadlines are always very reasonable, and payments are very quick too. I highly recommend them, they provide a great work experience!"

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Ce que nos clients ont à dire

“Travailler avec Bunny Studio a été formidable ! Non seulement le script a été parfaitement traduit, mais l'équipe nous a aussi aidés à chaque étape. C'était très professionnel tout en restant abordable. Je les recommande chaudement !"