Alex Coley, voice actor

Alex Coley, voice actor

# HSDSD3GAvailable from Oct 07, 10:59pmI have the strong, dynamic voice that you're looking for.
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      All voice over samples from Alex Coley

      About Alex Coley

      I am still relatively new to the voice acting and voice over business. I have picked up a number of non-paid jobs in the last few months, which have made for excellent ground work on which I can build my own brand. I am also a second year broadcasting student at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which has taught me a great deal about balancing both my voice and personality when it comes to the many avenues of performing, including voice over and voice acting. Since beginning in the program, I have been able to expand my capabilities as a performer, which in turn has allowed me to become a much more adaptable and dynamic performer. I have a strong passion for this business, and I am very eager and excited to become a part of as many projects as possible.

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