Ranked in the top 2% in overall performance
Has fulfilled 1035 projects since 2023
A great voice-over can truly impact the outcome of your project. My voice a is a clear, smooth speaking voice with a neutral North American accent. I am able to adapt to a wide range of voice acting scenarios, vocal styling and tones. I truly care about your project and providing you with attentive care and service. I would love to work with you! Being very versatile and dedicating full-time to voiceover work, I have a broad range of voiceover specialties, such as: E -Learning, Explainer and YouTube Videos, including Whiteboard and 2D animation video voice overs, IVR/ Phone Messaging Systems and Commercials. With an in-house studio, professional recording and editing equipment, I offer quick turnaround and dedication to your project to get it to you without compromising performance or quality. Let's get started! Order now!