Cole Van Gerpen, voix-off

Cole Van Gerpen, voix-off

# 2K6JQ864Band teacher by day, voice over artist also by day but whenever you need it really.
4.3(3 avis)
1 projet (les derniers 365 jours)
0nombre d'ajouts aux favoris


    Âge et sexe

      Tous les échantillons de voix-off de Cole Van Gerpen

      À propos de Cole Van Gerpen

      Cole is a 23-year-old male from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Related work includes four years of theatrical stage experience, in addition to more than eight years of experience in museums guiding patrons.

      Evaluations de Cole Van Gerpen

      4.3(3 avis)
      Ana Paes d. -
      Beatriz Z. -
      Tal Ariel C. -
      "Didn't hit the spot in terms of tone and energy."

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