Let me tell you a secret. This article here? It’s about Brazilian net neutrality and it’s our most popular blog article yet. If you haven’t read it, you should. Why? Well, you’re going to meet someone interesting today and it’s good to have so context.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s backtrack a bit.

When all of us got together for our yearly retreat, we gathered from places all over the globe — Japan, South Africa, India, Brazil… it’s a long list. We all got together in Colombia — a foreign land for many of us — to learn and grow together. Critical to achieving those goals was the guidance of our company advisors.

At Bunny Studio, we know that we don’t always have the answers. We also know that learning directly from experts is one of the best ways to grow educationally and professionally.

Our company leaders rely on our company advisors as mentors and industry experts throughout the year. With all of us in the same physical location, the retreat was a perfect time for everyone at the company to meet and to learn from the advisors.

So, since you’ve gotten to know some of our team members, let’s get to know our company advisors too. What are their backgrounds? What expertise do they bring to the table? What can we learn from them?

Over the past few months, you’ve met a few of them. Now it’s time to meet our legal advisor.

But if you prefer to watch a video instead, click here:


Meet Jorge Vargas.

Jorge is a lawyer and current Senior Manager for Partnerships and Global Reach at the Wikimedia Foundation. As such, he provides us with advice from a slightly different perspective. Legal advice, yes, but also a steering principle — that by working together, we can shape the future for the better. After all, our mission is to shape the future of outsourcing.

Jorge left a standard corporate lawyer job for a fellowship at the Wikimedia Foundation, sleeping on a friend’s couch when he first started there in 2013. He told us this story on the last day of the retreat, going on to speak about his work with net neutrality and free access to information. He worked on the Wikipedia Zero program, a past project that worked to provide Wikipedia for free on mobile devices via zero-rating, particularly in developing countries.

Remember that article about Brazilian net neutrality that you just read? Well, net neutrality is a complicated subject with much legal convolution — way more than this article has time for. What matters, though, is this — there is something important about free access to knowledge. It has the potential to shape and change the future by expanding knowledge and building community.

Shaping the future and building communities are both things we’re into. At Bunny Studio, we’re not only redefining what service delivery is but also establishing a global community of awesome clients and exceptional talents.

“Those bridges will still be there”.

Which brings us back to Jorge and our company retreat. With his expertise in community building and legal issues, what advice did he have for us as a company?

Well, it turns out that the retreat changed his perspective a bit. Before the retreat, Jorge says, “Previously, I analyzed everything with a legal hat on. But the retreat gave everything a human side”.

The retreat was, at points, very emotional. The workshops on the last day, especially, were quite, to quote Jorge, “visceral”. A storytelling workshop, for example, stirred up deep emotions in people. That emotional response, and the atmosphere of being in close contact with people after working apart from each other, was very intense.

But that close contact and emotional connection is what builds communities, online or in person. And that brings us to Jorge’s advice — “The bridges you built during the retreat can still be there afterwards. Keep in touch”. The connections we made, the community we made stronger? It will continue, regardless of whether we’re in the same place as each other or not.

And that, weirdly enough, is why net neutrality is important. Being able to openly communicate on the internet builds global communities, like the one we have built at Bunny Studio. It brings people closer together, over miles, and connects us on a human level.

And that connection, that working together? That’s what’s going to shape the world for the better.


For all the team members at Bunny Studio, meeting the company advisors was a chance to learn from their expertise. From Jorge, we learned the importance of free and open communication in shaping the world of work, and the world in general, for the better.

Meeting our company advisors during the retreat was a chance for us to meet the people who started it all, as it were. They have helped shape the company from the very beginning. So, getting to know our advisors means getting to know our company. better, too. Although we may be located all over the world, we work together as a team to make our customers happier.

Want to learn more about how and why we work the way we do? Then check out this article series.

And, hey, like what you read? Want to join us? Stay up to date with our latest career offerings!