Amy Ryan, voice actor

Amy Ryan, voice actor

# 7JME18sexy, exciting, smooth, classy, upbeat, believable, serious
4.9(867 reviews)
21 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Amy stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Has fulfilled 3225 projects since 2014

      All voice over samples from Amy Ryan

      About Amy Ryan

      I truly enjoy doing voiceover work and treat every clients project with the same importance whether big or small. I have done infomorcials, radio and tv spots, narration, childrens stories, voices for video games, and voice on hold/ivr messages. I have also been a radio personality since 1993, and have experience in voicetracking radio stations as well! Typically I guarantee a 24 hour turnaround, but in most cases on a typical 9-5 workday, youll get your file back within hours, or even minutes! I look forward to working on your next project and making it the best it can be!

      Amy Ryan's reviews

      4.9(867 reviews)
      Timothy K. -
      "Swift delivery, polished recording, captured the energy of the script extremely well. 10/10!"
      daniel l. -
      "nice work."
      Isaac W. -
      "Amazing service and quick turnaround. "
      Stephen A. -
      "Amy always delivers quick and great voiceovers. Will continue to use her for years"
      Bob G. -
      "Nice job! Looking forward to next time."

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