Brian Egan, voice actor

Brian Egan, voice actor

# FQ6KM8Triple threat content specialist (writer/voice over/editor) who can move consumers with powerful storytelling.
5(1 review)
0 projects (last 365 days)
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      All voice over samples from Brian Egan

      About Brian Egan

      American male voice, expert audio editor, and effective copywriter. Longtime radio host talent, executive producer, audio storyteller, (podcasting and e-Learning) who brings warmth, and lightning-fast editing skills. Served as a "live emcee" for multiple black-tie functions. Need a warm friendly VOG? No problem. Brenda McNabb at Clarity Consultants writes: "Brian has completed six projects very successfully through Clarity and I would be happy to serve as a reference. We have always valued you and your excellent voice over skills very much." #VOG #Editor #Warmth #VirtualEmcee #ProducerEditing #eLearning #PodcastHost #podcastediting #AudiobookEditor

      Brian Egan's reviews

      5(1 review)
      Kathleen K. -
      "Great read and turn-around! Thank you!!!!!!"

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