Every business or professional has a responsibility to spend only on aspects that give the best return on investment. While there are numerous methods of marketing, video advertising is turning out to be the most efficient for the present and future. If the most recent video marketing statistics are anything to go by, you should be setting up your video camera for the production of your first video already.

Here are a few of those stats:

  • 85% of businesses are already using videos to market their marketing strategy
  • 87% of companies that used videos recorded a significant increase in traffic to their website. It also resulted in visitors spending more time on their site. Hence, it translates into increased exposure to content on the website and, therefore, better knowledge of the goods and services offered by such brands.
  • 80% of businesses that used video for marketing recorded increase in sale volumes
  • Of the businesses using videos, 95% are planning to maintain or increase their momentum on video usage for marketing.

However, statistics can be deceiving, especially when you do not understand the underlying issues. Before you call your video production agent or begin recording with your phone, several factors must be apparent. Among the most important is the clarity of video advertising definition.

Language dictionaries offer straightforward definitions for words, but when it comes to business things can change a lot. Each business has to define what video marketing means to their business. Simply put, each company tends to use video for specific advertising purposes.

But if you prefer to watch a video instead, click here:


How Many Ways Can You Use Video Advertising?

Businesses have endless options when they want to use advertising videos in marketing their products and services. You can choose one or several formats when using video clips for marketing.

Fortunately, one video can also double for use in different ways, as evident in the definitions below. Look at the most common formats that businesses are using videos for marketing.

Types of Video Advertising Formats

  • Ads– content on your video is used to convince buyers to get your products or services directly. It is one of the most common and obvious uses of video in business. While it is useful, some people consider it to be intrusive, especially if they are not interested in buying.
  • Explainers – it gives information about your products, services, processes, business, a concept, and more. The viewers might feel smarter, therefore, are likely to make a buying decision faster.
  • Tutorials- a tutorial video helps a viewer to complete a task efficiently. If you are selling a machine, for example, you may include a tutorial video for advertisement instead of a booklet with endless text explanations.
  • Presentations– do you send your staff across towns, cities, and states to make presentations to clients? What if you could record a video and send it via email or phone? It saves time and resources.
  • Video blogs– the vlogs are effective in content marketing. You pick a topic related to your business, and instead of writing a lengthy article, you create a video blog.
  • Webinars– webinars are slowly replacing seminars that were held in conference facilities miles away. You provide login details to participants or a link for interested clients to join. For example, Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet rooms are commonly used nowadays. It feels like an actual seminar, only this time it is held online.
  • Customer Testimonials– videos are giving clients a chance to see the faces behind reviews and testimonials on products and services. A video testimonial is more often believable and engaging than a few sentences left on a website.
  • Live stream– business websites and social media platforms are offering options for live-streaming videos. It could be an interview, product launch, product review, testimonials, or ordinary interactions with your customers. You need to advertise the time you will be going live to attract a substantial audience. The videos are accessible even after the live stream is over.
  • Product videos– accompany every product with a video on how to use it, the benefits, price, maintenance, and such elements. Potential buyers will find it easier to understand your products, and, therefore, enticing them in buying.


Have you seen a type of video you can make for your business? Well, there is something else you need to know before you commission your agency to produce a video for advertising your business.

Not all videos will add value to the business or give a decent return on investment. Some may even irreversibly damage your brand. A video will only serve the intended advertising purpose if it meets particular qualities.

Video advertising for business

What Makes A Good Advertising Video?

The world watches more than 500 million hours of video on YouTube alone each day. Facebook, on the other hand, receives 4 billion video views each day. People are also watching videos on other platforms.

What would make a viewer turn to your video and not the billions of hours uploaded and available on the internet each day?

Here are a few factors to consider:

1. Quality Production

Your video will be competing with 300 hours of video uploaded on a single platform like YouTube every minute. The only way to survive is to offer quality videos to your viewers.

Hire a professional marketing-video production company to record your videos. They should have quality cameras, graphics, sound capturing devices, and studios. If some information is not clear or there is a problem with sound, viewers will likely abandon the video halfway.

2. Precise Information on Your Advertisement Video

Get straight to the point and only offer relevant information. Every minute the viewer will watch must be worth the time.

According to prevailing stats, 68% of viewers will finish a video if it is one minute long. However, only 25% of viewers are patient to complete a video that is more than twenty minutes. The only way to capture and maintain the attention of a viewer is to offer the information he or she is looking for in a video without adding marketing fluff to the mix.

Furthermore, script all your marketing videos to avoid irrelevant information. If you are speaking live, plan your broadcast earlier on.

Once a viewer loses interest in your video, there is no turning back! It reduces the chances of clicking on any of your other videos significantly.

3. Uploading On The Right Platform

Before we get to uploading at the right time, let’s first look at how the choice of a platform can affect the effectiveness of a marketing video.

Remember that the choice of a platform to upload your video is one of the most important marketing decisions you will ever make. The best platform for marketing videos shall depend on your intentions.

Not only does social media help your video to reach large demography of people, but it is also trendy.

Uploading the video on your website, on the other hand, will provide the information that visitors want, whenever they visit. If you are using the video for content marketing or engaging potential clients, social media platforms are the best for video advertising. However, if it is an explainer, review, or tutorial, you should consider posting it on your website instead.

Kindly note that timing is essential if you are posting videos on social media. Get statistics on the period each social media platform receives the most traffic to enable you to time your upload and take advantage of this traffic. But be wise in checking the demographics of this traffic if you are targeting a specific age group.

4. Promoting Your Videos

Social media platforms and search engines have millions of videos to present whenever a person does an organic search. Advertising is turning out to be one of the best tricks to beat this competition.

Video for advertisement will take your videos in front of internet users looking for information related to your content.

Nevertheless, without quality promotion, you will appear like a typical seller who keeps goods at a warehouse, hoping that potential buyers will discover them and purchase them. This will not help in arousing the interests of potential buyers.

5. Engaging Your Viewers

Create engaging videos for your marketing purposes.

Let the viewer hang onto every word you say.

An engaging video will compel the viewer to hold up to the end.

You might be asking yourself, “How can a video be engaging?”

Here are a few tips:

  • Create eye-catching visuals
  • Use influencers in your videos
  • Tell a captivating tale
  • Demonstrate instead of narrating
  • Sustain the curiosity of your audience
  • Know what your audience wants

Engaging videos are memorable and might entice most viewers to share. Moreover, social engagement helps you to reach more potential buyers and raise brand awareness.

6. Remaining Trendy

Do not produce video ads for the sake of it. Watch the trends shaping video usage for advertisement in 2020 and consider them in your production.

Remember that a video that was competitive a year ago could rank lowly today despite meeting all production requirements.

Video advertising for companies

Some of the Video Marketing Trends to Consider

  • Make short marketing ads that will not lead to abandonment
  • Use OTT or Over The Top advertising. It allows you to target a specific audience and, therefore, get better returns. The ads are also inserted naturally, helping to avoid rejection or intrusion. The OTT trend is also giving brands the best analytical data for use in future advertising.
  • Optimize your videos for viewing and sharing on mobile
  • Use cinemagraphs– a combination of videos and images to drive
  • Utilize user-generated content76% of consumers are more comfortable with third-party information as compared to ads from brands. Use reviews, influencers, social media posts, and social media sharing to increase visibility
  • Spend more on ads– social media platforms and search engines are leaning more towards promoted content than free exposure. Beating your competitors by advertising will require a lot of effort from your part.

While doing all the preparation for your video ad, you must remember that the short video clip will carry the image of your brand. Guard this image by choosing the right words, people, places, and ensuring quality production.

Getting The Best Returns Out Of Video Advertising

Video production is an expensive investment for any business. It is, therefore, up to you to recognize the opportunities videos offer and extract the best returns.

The underlying secret is to collect data from every video you upload for your business. Such data tells you

  • the preferred length of videos
  • where people are viewing your videos from
  • the popularity of different topics
  • among other crucial audience-behavior details.

Concluding the Video Advertising Segment

Video advertisement is an ever-evolving field. Watch the trends and reconfigure your strategy to reflect the dynamic needs of your target audience.

Furthermore, transcribe your videos and use captions on all your videos. Since search engines cannot extract information from videos, they usually rely on captions and transcribed scripts. Such copied texts make it easier for the search engine algorithms to spot and rank your videos.

When all is said and done, what will matter is how well you met the expectations of your target audience in your marketing video.