cristian andres garzon castillo, video producer

cristian andres garzon castillo, video producer

# 2PSITUKSgraphic designer
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All video samples from cristian andres garzon castillo

About cristian andres garzon castillo

Freelance video producer Cristian Castillo offers video editing services in North American English, Colombian Spanish, and neutral Latin Spanish. His areas of expertise also include 2D animation, character design, and motion graphics. As a graphic designer, Cristian specializes in illustration, animation, and video editing. He provides video production services for both the advertising and film industry. Cristian has over 7 years of experience and describes his work as creative and an eternal exploration of new techniques. The talented creative is constantly in search of new, innovative, and bespoke solutions for projects. Want to know more about Cristian? Check out his sample videos and see how Cristian can help bring your project to life!

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