Our 3D character animation experts are ready to wow you!
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85% of our speedy projects are delivered within 12 hours. We're talking about lightning speed!
3D is here to stay, thanks to amazing film companies like Pixar, who truly have created memorable 3D character. The standard keeps rising consistently when it comes to 3D characters, and it's hard to compete. Thankfully, though, 3D character animation is now more accessible than ever, and even indie filmmakers and smaller companies are now able to compete with the giants. Just hire a 3D character animator at Bunny Studio and get going in 2 minutes! 3D animation is the now established art of using motion to bring characters, vehicles, props, and more to life within TV shows, films, and games. While traditional 2D animation is a hand-drawn, frame-by-frame affair, 3D animation involves the creation of digital 3D models which you then rig and animate in the scene. One big difference is that while 2D animation artists mostly still draw everything picture by picture, 3D animators always use computers. The model is essentially the character's skeleton, and they build from there, adding textures and movement. While audiences at first had a hard time connecting to 3D characters, they have become more complex and engaging over time. Thanks to franchises like Toy Story, Cars, or Frozen, 3D characters are now fan-favorites that people all over the world adore and recognize. So, just hit us up and we'll connect you with amazing 3D character animation experts that will elevate your project to new and exciting heights! They'll make sure to follow your exact guidelines to create the perfect character. Whether you're using them only for artistic purposes, or for marketing and branding efforts. Our results will leave you over the moon, you and we promise your audience will love them as well! Plus, we deliver with incredibly fast turnaround times, a keen eye for quality, creativity, and a passion for what we do that can't be faked. And if that's not enough, you can always fall back on our 100% money-back guarantee!