Cassandra Rodabaugh, voice actor

Cassandra Rodabaugh, voice actor

# 2NID1PF8I’m like a chameleon. But like. With my voice.
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      About Cassandra Rodabaugh

      Cassandra Rodabaugh is a young, expressive voice talent that thinks of every job as a passion project. Although new to the voice over industry, she's been acting and singing as long as she can remember. She's been in advanced choir her whole school career, and had professional vocal training all throughout high school, as well as taking several audio/video courses wherein she mastered the art of audio editing and use of professional equipment. She has a very versatile voice, clear and voluminous, specializing in expressive character work and singing in the mezzo soprano range. Whatever your vocal needs, Cassandra will be sure to deliver, whether that be a crazed villain, your average teen, or a dinosaur eating macaroni with a tad too much passion.

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