Katie Welburn, voice actor

Katie Welburn, voice actor

# 91KMIA8Upbeat, cheerful, positive, professional, friendly and kind!
4.9(4716 reviews)
1156 projects (last 365 days)
5times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Katie stands out

      • Golden Bunny Pro

        Golden Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 2% in overall performance

      • Quick responder

        Quick responder

        Kicks off the projects faster than 75% of the creators

      • Bunny Pro for 8 years

        Bunny Pro for 8 years

        Has fulfilled 11764 projects since 2017

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Katie Welburn

      About Katie Welburn

      Voice actor Katie Gaskin offers an English middle-aged and young adult female voice over with a Canadian or North American accent. Katie has provided voice services for commercials, characters in video games, presentations, movie trailers, and much more. Her clients include individuals, start-ups, family-owned small businesses, and big-name companies such as Best Western, Home Depot, Spotify, Walmart, Dove, and Microsoft, to name a few. With over 10,000 projects (Yep! 10k!) completed on Bunny Studio, she brings a cheerful, optimistic, friendly, and professional voice over. Want to know more about Katie? Check out her voice over samples and see how Katie can help you bring your project to life!

      Katie Welburn's reviews

      4.9(4716 reviews)
      Anne F. -
      "thanks for the quick turnaround! "
      Sarah W. -
      "Thank you for an amazing delivery! Just what my project needed!"
      AppVault -
      "Katie always does amazing work on our voice over work!! Highest of quality, fast turn around!! Always impressed. 10/10 recommend"
      Alex S. -
      "Great work as always!"
      Andrew E. -

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