Pari Abbasli, voice actor

Pari Abbasli, voice actor

# 3FMUT6N4advertisings, artistic texts
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      All voice over samples from Pari Abbasli

      About Pari Abbasli

      I define myself as a journalist, digital content creator, e-magazine editor, podcast host. I founded MUZA Digital Art Magazine in 2020 to help cultural, art activism and participation of youth on art. Actively blogging about art-related topics on my art-blog, Worked in business, technology focused project Facemark as an intern, then got hired as a journalist, then promoted to project manager, editor. I am working on different media platforms, projects, websites, magazines since 2017 (1st year of university). Very enthusiastic and eager to be enlightened about social, economic agenda of society and global topics. I have been doing podcasting as an amateur for 3 years and as a professional for almost 2 years.