OLaH BouY Art, video producer

OLaH BouY Art, video producer

# 2VL9HNAKYour vision brought to life in motion design and animation
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    All video samples from OLaH BouY Art

    About OLaH BouY Art

    "I am an enthusiastic lover of art, mainly intrigued by 2D/3D Animation and motion design. My love for art has evolved throughout my academic and social experiences. From studying Art and design in Junior school and senior school I fell in love with Art as an escape and a tool for storytelling as such I use art to tell stories that reflect society and offer solutions to problems in my surrounding, sometimes art that makes someone laugh or just puts a smile on their face. I recently completed a short movie titled Cocon along with a Team of 7 talented animation students, The movie has been nominated for the Enfance Majuscule Childhood Media Prize 2021. With all these awards and more, I have learned to work with different artists with different touches and perspectives"

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