Alfonso Rodriguez, voice actor

Alfonso Rodriguez, voice actor

# 21BDATKYoung warm voice, engaging, convincing and professional
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      All voice over samples from Alfonso Rodriguez

      About Alfonso Rodriguez

      Professional vo talent for over 10 years experience in the business. Very sought after young Spanish voice perfect for commercials, TV promos, corporate videos, e-learnings, audioguides, video games, etc! Alfonso is currently voicing most of the 1&1, and The European Commission online video campaign, and has voiced for blue chip companies like Google, Youtube, Siemens, Toshiba, Porsche, Volvo, Sky, Canon, and vary many more... Among the TV channels that often rely on Alfonsos voice are MTV, Nickelodeon, Eurosport and Nat Geo. The professional recording studio is made up of: Studiobricks One Plus sound booth, Mac computers, Apogee Duet Digital interface, Neumann U87, BCM104 and Korg K2 microphones. ipDTL connection for remote recording just like ISDN. Skype session available for clients to supervise and direct the session live. Turnaround of clean audio files is between 4-6 hours.

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