Ali Gohar, voice actor

Ali Gohar, voice actor

# SMIIPK0Providing QUALITY EMOTION FILLED voice overs !
4.9(69 reviews)
77 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      Why Ali stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      All voice over samples from Ali Gohar

      About Ali Gohar

      Hi there! I’m Ali Gohar, a voice-over professional based in Edmonton with over 10 years of industry experience! From my Broadcast Quality Home Studio, I have had the pleasure of working with renowned clients like Canadian Tire, Dunkin Donuts, Bacardi, and Spotify. Where I truly shine is my character work. I bring raw energy and a unique, sought-after voice to every project, whether its animation, video games, advertisements, or educational content. I’m your go-to guy for getting things done fast and with quality. I’d love the chance to discuss your project further !

      Ali Gohar's reviews

      4.9(69 reviews)
      Grigori E. -
      "Amazing work! "
      Mikhaylo K. -
      "A great voiceactor with an increadible range and a real pleasure to work with. As long as you are willing to explain your vision clearly - he will always deliver the line EXACTLY how you see it. Amazing talent!"
      Mikhaylo K. -
      "An actor with an incredible range and great acting ability - his work would never feel fake even if he is acting the death of a loved one)"
      Sarah W. -
      "The delivery was perfect! Spot on and genuine! Add such a quick turnaround! Thank you!"
      Janene G. -
      "Ali was awesome to work with. Recorded track quickly and we only needed two small tweaks to the read. Those came back - all in the same day. Love his voice, great job all-around. Thank you!"

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