Allan Ricardo Benetti, voice actor

Allan Ricardo Benetti, voice actor

# OSC7K78Tv, internet vídeo and Radio voice actor.
4.8(24 reviews)
2 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Allan Ricardo Benetti

      About Allan Ricardo Benetti

      Profissional da voz desde os 14 anos de idade. 25 anos de experiência em voz nos mais diversos meios. Grava com equipamento padrão da industria: Neumann TLM 103, Electro Voice RE20, Avalon 737SP interface Apogee Duet 2

      Allan Ricardo Benetti's reviews

      4.8(24 reviews)
      Natalia Gutiérrez A. -
      "Excellent work! Thank you very much."
      Fabio T. -
      "Top quality, astonishing speed! Thank you!"
      Guilherme L. -
      "Great work! Fast and top-notch."
      Guilherme L. -
      "Excellent quality and fast!"
      Fabio T. -
      "Obrigado novamente!"

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