Andrew Caravella, voice actor

Andrew Caravella, voice actor

# 1HBNFUE4Clean and Upbeat
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      All voice over samples from Andrew Caravella

      About Andrew Caravella

      Former recording artist and current voice actor in the entertainment industry. My credits have involved radio, film and tv. I achieved wide success as a TV/Radio personality in Southern California where I interviewed celebrities, appeared on red carpets and emceed charity events. I have contributed to numerous projects all over the place. Everything from PBS to The Oxygen Network. From Fox Television to Disney Channel. From NBC News Radio to NPR. I was even a former entertainment reporter for Ric Dees Afternoons in The Inland Empire (local region in California - 4.5 million people). Currently, I'm the voice for Animated Times, one of the top fan sites in the world for everything DC and Marvel Comics/Movies/Shows. In 2019, I achieved over 20 million views on my voice overs with Animated Times.

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