Annamari Santa, voice actor

Annamari Santa, voice actor

# 2RCKBLBCYound lady, middle aged lady, animal (all type), cartoon, movie, radio, tv commercial, narration, e-book, gentle, angry, sad, crazy - you can always count on me! :)
4.8(6 reviews)
2 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Annamari Santa

      About Annamari Santa

      I've started out as an actor, performing in theatres about 18 years ago. Since then I've lived in Australia where I became an expert of the language. I started to do voice acting 15 years ago and I still can't stop falling more more in love with this beautiful field. I do voice over from any language into Hungarian and I'll do anything in English as well. Love creating, working wiht my voice, can't wait to prove it!

      Annamari Santa's reviews

      4.8(6 reviews)
      Tomáš C. -
      Daniel L. -
      Tomáš C. -
      Marie H. -
      Marie H. -

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