Mattia Brena, voice actor

Mattia Brena, voice actor

# CUVPG5CHappy and positive, warm or professional
4.7(9 reviews)
1 project (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      About Mattia Brena

      Sono Mattia Brena, uno speaker freelance italiano. Lavoro da più di dieci anni in una delle radio più famose d'Italia: Radio Monte Carlo (gruppo Mediaset). Ho iniziato la mia carriera come conduttore radiofonico in una radio locale vicino a Milano. Successivamente ho lavorato in radio sempre più grandi, dove ho potuto sviluppare competenze anche come tecnico del suono. --- I am Mattia Brena, an Italian native voice talent and voice actor. I have worked for more than 10 years in one of the most famous radio in Italy: Radio Monte Carlo (Mediaset group). I started my career as onair personality in a small radio near Milan, in Italy. Then I worked on increasingly popular radios, where I can do experience as sound engineer.

      Mattia Brena's reviews

      4.7(9 reviews)
      Michele M. -
      GRUPO D. -
      Dario V. -
      Alessandro -
      Alessandro -

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