Hola!! Es un placer. 9 años de experiencia como actor de voz y locutor comercial profesional, dando mi voz a comerciales, documentales, series, películas, caricaturas y he tenido el honor y placer de trabajar con clientes de la talla de Netflix, Discovery Channel, Mtv, Old Spice Latinoamérica entre muchos otros clientes. Mi voz en la locución comercial podrás escucharla en todo Latinoamérica y el mercado Estadounidense, con mucho maravillos clientes. Será un placer estar a tu servicio. I have more than Five years of experience as a voice actor, working with my voice in commercials, documentaries, series, movies, cartoons and I also have been having the pleasure and honor to work with clients such as Netflix, Discovery Channel, MTV, Old Spice Latin America, between many other great clients. I have been working with clientes in Mexico and in my country Colombia. I dubbed actors such as Michael Murray, Antonio Banderas, Colin Firth, Keanu Reeves. I am very happy to be at your service.