christophe caysac, voice actor

christophe caysac, voice actor

# 3VN8MPGFast, serious, professional, over 30 years of experience today for your success.
4.8(286 reviews)
27 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from christophe caysac

      About christophe caysac

      UNESCO , Walt Disney . Carrefour Générale dOptique,total,etc... I work for the largest companies in all the world .E learning, corporate video, or cartoon too , my voice is at your service.

      christophe caysac's reviews

      4.8(286 reviews)
      François C. -
      "Bravo! One shot! Merci pour votre prestation."
      François C. -
      "Merci beaucoup Christophe pour votre efficacité!"
      Charlotte W. -
      "Incredibly quick, sam day turnaround! Sounds great to me - hopefully my client approves too :)"
      Lukacs Laszlo A. -
      "Everything was quick, efficient and of high quality."
      David S. -
      "Great and fast delivery, thank you!"

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