Chiara Marcon, voice actor

Chiara Marcon, voice actor

# 103TAISSDoppiatrice, Attrice | Voice Over, Actor
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      About Chiara Marcon

      Chiara is a voice over, actor and singer. Born and bred in Rome (Italy) she held a 3 Year Diploma at the Teatro Golden Academy in Rome, taking also part in many workshops, courses and masterclasses to include singing, acting, voice over, songwriting and Musical Theatre - both in Italy and England. She also held a Bachelor's degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation at SSML Carlo Bo (Rome, Italy). Chiara è una voice over, attrice e cantante. Frequenta il biennio del Corso di Formazione per Attori e il terzo anno di perfezionamento presso l'Academy del Teatro Golden di Roma, partecipando anche a corsi, workshop e masterclass di canto, recitazione, doppiaggio, voice over, songwriting e Musical sia in Italia che in Inghilterra. Consegue nel 2010 la laurea in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica presso la SSML Carlo Bo di Roma. ✯ Voiceover genre: ADR, Animation / Cartoons, Automotive, Business, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Dubbing, E-Learning, Explainer, IVR / Telephony systems, Jingles, Medical, Multimedia, Promo, Trailer, Video Games.

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