I have started learning how to work with my voice 10 years ago, back then it was all a dream - to become good at it and to feel really comfortable at what I do. Since then I have changed numerous parts of recording equipment, recorded and mixed numerous tracks for different projects, including audio books of local authors, songs and advertisements that were aired on the radio, movies for local TV channels and mostly internet releases, youtube videos and so on. I have always loved languages, my native ones are Russian and Ukrainian as I live in Kyiv, Ukraine, where people speak both of those languages and I was learning both of them at school and university, also I speak English fluently as I am a master degree translator, I have recorded voice overs in all these languages. I am the most passionate about doing voice overs and translations, I love doing both of those things to death, so better use a chance to hear it with your own ears and get a piece of me while I'm still here.