Eva-Gina Berkel, voice actor

Eva-Gina Berkel, voice actor

# 34P3DR40Highly professional, young, warm, dynamic, multilingual voice actress - GERMAN, ENGLISH, DUTCH
5(2 reviews)
0 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Eva-Gina Berkel

      About Eva-Gina Berkel

      I'm Eva-Gina, a warm and dynamic voice from Germany, and I've been doing voice work for over 15 years now. Eva-Gina [at ]wearelisteners [dot] com Many years of developing my voice for musical projects, a bachelor of music with majors in vocals and studio work, and professional training as voice actress give my work dynamic, variety, and clarity. Whether you are looking for professional tones, conversational pieces, playful sing-song, energetic exclamations, growling effects, or more - I am in command of my voice. And as a voice director and content producer for business and creative clients alike, I have a profound understanding of briefs and a skilled sense of the subtle nuances needed to make projects stand out. I don't quit until the job is perfect! I've lived and worked in three different countries (UK, NL and GER) and absolutely love working on multilingual projects.

      Eva-Gina Berkel's reviews

      5(2 reviews)
      Julian G. -
      Lallemand Training S. -

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