Felix Parrack, voice actor

Felix Parrack, voice actor

# 10G5NTD8Enthusiastic or calm, young adult male RP
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0 projects (last 365 days)
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      All voice over samples from Felix Parrack

      About Felix Parrack

      I used to work in advertising, often producing projects that involved very talented voice artists. I not only learnt a lot but also grew frustrated that I could not participate in the sessions I was involved with. So here I am! I have extensive experience producing a variety of voice work, and when coupled with my capabilities as a semi-professional music producer I am able to do everything myself as a 1 man powerhouse of sound. I am located in central London, having been here my whole life. This means my accent is rich and authentic. It can be heard on several youtube projects, ranging from travel commercials to vlogs. Whilst I am very keen on character acting I don't have completed projects to show for it, yet!

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