Frank Santana, voice actor

Frank Santana, voice actor

# 3507ISVCAuthenticity, optimism, and free-spirited
5(1 review)
1 project (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Frank Santana

      About Frank Santana

      I do voice over work for ads, promos, and instructional videos. I am both fluent in English and Spanish. I am striving to do voice over work for animated and video game characters. I love bringing authenticity and genuineness in to my voice work. Having fun and being creative is my top focus. Doing so also brings new opportunities to grow as I learn. I am currently living in Lanesborough, MA and do all of my recordings from my small home studio. I utilize Logic Pro software for my recording and editing, with a Fifine microphone.

      Frank Santana's reviews

      5(1 review)
      Natalia A. -

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