Ingrida Mikalkene, voice actor

Ingrida Mikalkene, voice actor

# 12RFSKB8Soft and lovely voice owner
5(5 reviews)
5 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Ingrida Mikalkene

      About Ingrida Mikalkene

      Communication in a professional and courteous manner with internal and external staff and clients. Writes, stacks, pre-reads and edits news. Demonstrates excellent writing skills (fair, balanced clear, concise and correct). Demonstrates ability of self-directed story selection/writing/editing following management guidelines. Sell advertising space to advertisers. Pleasant, charismatic and well-controlled voice; excellent pronunciation. Proficient in media production and broadcast systems.

      Ingrida Mikalkene's reviews

      5(5 reviews)
      Melody S. -
      Kim H. -
      Kim H. -
      Melody S. -
      TreeTop Baumgartner K. -