John Psimopoulos, voice actor

John Psimopoulos, voice actor

# K9EH0U0Warm and deep for narrations, sexy and fun for commercials.
4.9(17 reviews)
7 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      About John Psimopoulos

      John is a full time Voice Over Artist based from his professional studio in Athens. With experience of more than 20 years on voice acting and clients such as Trivago, BMW, NISSAN, National Geographic, KFC, Karcher and many more.... if you need a Greek Voice Over for TVCs, Radio spots, e-Books, IVRs, Corporate Videos, he's your guy!

      John Psimopoulos's reviews

      4.9(17 reviews)
      Vassilis D. -
      "Great work and fast turn around! I definitively recommend working."
      Mikas0 -
      "Really QUICK!"
      Marian G. -
      Marian G. -
      Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft m. -

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