Kate, voice actor

Kate, voice actor

# 1OJFM3F4young adult female, female & male child voice over mandarin
5(8 reviews)
5 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      All voice over samples from Kate

      About Kate

      3 years working experience, narrated over 100 child books, also trained for video, game, IVR, broadcast voice over

      Kate's reviews

      5(8 reviews)
      Charlie S. -
      "Very convenient way to get voiceover done from a distance. I appreciated the ability to do several adjustments and the turnaround was very quick. The site is very well made and I'm happy with the final result."
      Gabe W. -
      Petr F. -
      Stanislav -
      BCI Training M. -

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