katy topping, voice actor

katy topping, voice actor

# 9E29M78warm engaging strong articulate and bright voice
4.7(50 reviews)
6 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from katy topping

      About katy topping

      wealth of experience, working as broadcaster, presenter and VO artist - voiced all kinds of commercials, documentaries, promos, idents and educational material

      katy topping's reviews

      4.7(50 reviews)
      Patricia G. -
      "Fabulous, very quick turnaround!"
      Celine V. -
      "great work !"
      Daphne E. -
      "Thank you very much for your prompt response and excellent delivery."
      Piotr L. -
      "another great job, very quick and top quality!"
      Adam F. -
      "Great work. Very fast turn around time!"

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