Kim Bretton, voice actor

Kim Bretton, voice actor

# TKTU0R8BRITISH FEMALE YOUNG ADULT. Genuine, articulate, engaging, sincere, relaxed and natural.
4.9(563 reviews)
112 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Kim stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Kim Bretton

      About Kim Bretton

      Kim Bretton is an acclaimed, award-winning British Voice Over Actor, with an impressive client list and an easily recognizable voice. Kim is the go-to choice for clients seeking top-notch voice over services. Her commitment to providing competitive rates and lightning-fast turnaround times ensures a seamless and efficient collaboration.

      Kim Bretton's reviews

      4.9(563 reviews)
      Convergint -
      "always professional and quick deliveries"
      Jim G. -
      "Wonderful! "
      Rafaela C. -
      "Kim was very professional and got everything exactly right the first time."
      Jim G. -
      "Wonderful as usual"
      Jim G. -
      "Wonderful as usual! "

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