Hi! My name is Juha Linna. I've been in media business since 1985 as a producer, director, sound designer, technician, voice talent etc. And finally started to do more voice-overs since 2001 after directing hundreds and hundreds voiceover- and dubbing sessions earlier. My main job nowadays is to be a senior lecturer in Sound Design in University. You can hear my voice with Apple, Microsoft, Volkswagen, Lions Clubs...In the programs of the automotive industry, the tire industry, the spare parts industry, the steel industry, etc. and, of course, as a shouting warrior or as a whispering wizard of online casinos and games, as a nature tourism reliable professor and as a client in food advertising, in the world of short publications. Fluent Finnish spoken, No dialects, but a can do if needed, Low baritone. Spokes much better Finnish than writes English ;-) More information http://www.linna.fi