Lola Lynn Rensink, voice actor

Lola Lynn Rensink, voice actor

# OCGS4HOWitty, sarcastic, warm, mother, friend, conversational
4.8(1024 reviews)
815 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Lola stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 5 years

        Bunny Pro for 5 years

        Has fulfilled 3606 projects since 2019

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Lola Lynn Rensink

      About Lola Lynn Rensink

      Lola has been working in the VoiceOver industry for 4 years. She has a passion to get the work you need quickly because she she understands the importance of needing work done with a time restraint. But, not so quickly that it lacks quality. You will get 100 percent of her time and focus. Clients include: Ebay Old Navy Walmart Various Phone systems Spotify Radio commercials Bill Collins Ford Product videos And MANY many more.......

      Lola Lynn Rensink's reviews

      4.8(1024 reviews)
      Ricky O. -
      "Great read of the script!"
      CommunicateHealth -
      "Lola is a PRO! She took out script and really brought it to life and didn't require any revisions. Amazing work and very prompt!"
      Barry M. -
      "Thanks again, sounded great. Barry"
      Jim S. -
      "Lola Lynn, in the past, has done a certain type of read for me, soft but energetic. I asked her to do something completely different this time and she nailed it on the first read. Expressive but somber. (With regard to permissions, this is a work for hire and I do not have permission to grant it.)"
      Corey O. -
      "Lola was able to provide quick turnaround and high quality voice overs that greatly enhanced our course."

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