Mariah Hortans, voice actor

Mariah Hortans, voice actor

# 2K3D52P0soft, warm and friendly voice.
5(9 reviews)
8 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Mariah stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Has fulfilled 57 projects since 2022

      All voice over samples from Mariah Hortans

      About Mariah Hortans

      Jag är en finlandssvensk sångerska och sångpedagog med röstskådespeleri som sidojobb. Jag läser in allt från reklam och instruktionsvideor till ljudböcker och filmdubbningar. I'm a swedish speaking finn who has worked as a singer and vocal coach the last 15 years. My native language is Finland-swedish but I can also do voiceovers in english and finnish. I am interested in all kinds of voiceover projects from commercials and educational videos to audiobooks and moviedubbings.

      Mariah Hortans's reviews

      5(9 reviews)
      Donna B. -
      "TYSM :)"
      Alba C. -
      Alba C. -
      Leonardo S. -
      Maria D. -

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