Over 10 years of expierence with the voice-overs that add style and perfection to your message. Serving the worlds leading studios and brands from my studio in the Netherlands. NBC Universal, Eyeworks, E.M.I, Discovery Channel, Warner Music, Nescafe, Sony Pictures, Dutch FilmWorks, Mojo-Live Nation, Vodafone, RTL, Eurosport, Heineken, S.A.P., Deloitte, Mentos, Philip Morris, Centric, Media Markt, Lidl, Phillips. Im also audio production specialist radio imaging, sound design, music production. Working with top shelf toys like the unparalleled Brauner Phantom mic, Symetrix, Sure SM7, every plug-in imaginable. Although natively Dutch, I have a correct pronunciation of the English and American language. Flexible, client satisfaction guaranteed, ultra fast delivery, passion and dedication. Quick turn around 12-24 hours