Nunt Ruddit, voice actor

Nunt Ruddit, voice actor

# 11LR6HS0Thai, English & English with Thai and pan-Asian accent
5(6 reviews)
7 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Nunt Ruddit

      About Nunt Ruddit

      Training: BA and MA in Musical Theatre from Lasalle College of the Arts and Guildford School of Acting Location: London and Bangkok Language: Thai (native-standard dialect), English (standard British accent, Thai accent, generic Asian accent) Born and raised in Thailand and educated in Singapore and England, I'm a trained musical theatre performer and have been blessed to be working as a professional voiceover artist for the past 4 years. I have experience in providing voiceover in both Thai and English (please kindly refer to the accent listed above) for various projects ranging from animations, advertisement, audiobook to e-learning and language app. Some of my previous clients include Adisebaba Animations, VSI London, Dove Thailand, Garnier Thailand, Amusework Animations, etc. I'm mostly based in London, but I also spend some months in Bangkok.

      Nunt Ruddit's reviews

      5(6 reviews)
      Tag AMS L. -
      Tag AMS L. -
      Maria F. -
      Maria F. -
      Loïc B. -

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