Randal Smith, voice actor

Randal Smith, voice actor

# 2S8ETNN8Voice Over Artist with over 35 years experience in Commercial TV and Radio.
5(2 reviews)
2 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      Why Randal stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Has fulfilled 20 projects since 2022

      All voice over samples from Randal Smith

      About Randal Smith

      With over 35 years experience in Commercial Radio and Television and numerous corporate video voice overs and heard on countless telephone IVRs/Messages on hold, I have the skills and expertise you just might be looking for. Since starting in 1981 as a junior radio announcer, I have been consistently employed by Radio and Television stations ... now also working in collaboration with major national production companies. Have a listen to my demo, and if I am a good fit for your project, I'll be extremely happy to work with you to provide an outcome you will be pleased with.

      Randal Smith's reviews

      5(2 reviews)
      Marcel E. -
      "Excellent! Exactly what we wanted. A+++"
      Sam -

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