Ranger Fox, voice actor

Ranger Fox, voice actor

# G78CI7SReal, Versatile, Clear North American Male Voice
4.9(90 reviews)
132 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Ranger stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Has fulfilled 415 projects since 2018

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Ranger Fox

      About Ranger Fox

      I have a passion for voice acting and breathing life into your projects or commercials. I'm so happy to work with you to find precisely what voice you need! 5+ years of voice-over experience including live broadcast. E-learning expert, keeping technical details sounding natural and up beat.

      Ranger Fox's reviews

      4.9(90 reviews)
      Lubomír D. -
      "As always.. perfect quality with absolutely fast delivery, very good job Ranger!!"
      Lubomír D. -
      "Complete satisfaction, very well done work, including a professional approach - thumbs up!"
      Ricky O. -
      "Great reading of the script, adding pauses and mood in the right places!"
      Sharon C. -
      "Thank you for your professionalism and quick response. Your patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated. "
      Sharon C. -
      "Thank you for your professionalism and quick response. Your patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated. "

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