Rodolphe Campeggia, voice actor

Rodolphe Campeggia, voice actor

# 34B6K55OUne voix claire et charmante au service de tous vos projets !
4.9(17 reviews)
26 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Rodolphe stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 2 years

        Bunny Pro for 2 years

        Has fulfilled 202 projects since 2023

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Rodolphe Campeggia

      About Rodolphe Campeggia

      Bonjour ! En tant que voix off professionnel, je mets toute mon énergie au service de vos besoins pour atteindre vos clients en plein coeur. Pertinent, réactif, à l'écoute, je suis tout ouïe pour VOS nouveaux projets.

      Rodolphe Campeggia's reviews

      4.9(17 reviews)
      Gaétane R. -
      "Thank you for your wonderful work, and quick response time (as always) Rodolphe!"
      Gaétane R. -
      "Rodolphe always does incredible work for us!"
      Gaétane R. -
      "Merci !"
      Gaétane R. -
      "Thank you so much for your patience and attentiveness with this project – really, really great job Rodolphe and team!"
      Nelson De J. -
      "Rapide, efficace. Très satisfait"

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