Roman Kollmer, voice actor

Roman Kollmer, voice actor

# 10V6K0Kdeep, warm, best years, charming, 24 hours turnaround
4.8(41 reviews)
18 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Roman stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Has fulfilled 195 projects since 2014

      All voice over samples from Roman Kollmer

      About Roman Kollmer

      gear mics Neumann Tlm 103 & U 87 Ai, Brauner VMX pure cardioid preamps Universal Audio Solo 610 & Grace M101 interface Tascam Us-122 MK2 references Station Voice bei ATV2 Adeg, AKNÖ, American Express, AonTV, Arlequin Theater Wien, Autorevue, Bank Austria, Bezirksblätter, BMW, Borealis, CB 12, Centrum, Cinecom, Elmex, Eternit, Franziskaner Weissbier, GLS, Golser Bier, Gorenje, Hagebau, Hansaplast, Harley Davidson, Hella, Hirtenberger, Hotel Marriott, Ikarus Security Software, Interspot Film, Jack Wolfskin, Kabelsignal, Kaspersky, Kastner & Öhler, Kik, Kredit4You, Krone, Krone-Hit, K-Tel, Liwest, MA48, Makita, Midas, Möbel Ludwig, Neunerbräu, NÖ GVV,NÖ Landesausstellung, NÖN, Ö1, Öbau, OeNB, ORF, Otto Bock, Orion Leuchten, PartyLite, PayLife, Pet to Pet Recycling, Peugeot Linz, Porsche Wien Liesing, Puppentheater Lilarum, Radio Max, Radio Stephansdom, Ravensburger, Renault-Wien, Repa Copy, Restplatzbörse, Rotes Kreuz, Salzburg AG, Schleppe Bier, Schlumberger, Schneekoppe, SCW, Sipahh, Sorelle Ramonda, Sporttickets, Super RTL, Taxifunk 60160, tech data, Tiroler Festspiele Erl, Town und Country, Trilux, Valetta, Vario-Haus, View Point System, Villacher-Bier, Volksbank, Wiener Wasserwerke , Wiener Zeitung, Wiener Zucker, Wientastatur, WKO

      Roman Kollmer's reviews

      4.8(41 reviews)
      Sequence F. -
      "Absolutely impressed with the service provided by Roman! His vocal quality was not only spot on, but the delivery was also astonishingly quick. Highly recommend for anyone looking for top-tier vocal talent coupled with efficiency!"
      Lukacs Laszlo A. -
      "Very fast delivery and a true pro!"
      Martin T. -
      "Great Work, Thank you! :D"
      Lukacs Laszlo A. -
      "Very fast and pro! Thanks a lot!"
      Imke H. -
      "Professionally, quickly and reliably. Wishes are implemented quickly!"

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