Sara M Hannan, voice actor

Sara M Hannan, voice actor

# 2SK2JSL4Sweet, trustworthy, and amiable with a little bit of spice.
5(3 reviews)
0 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Sara stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Bunny Pro for 3 years

        Has fulfilled 16 projects since 2022

      All voice over samples from Sara M Hannan

      About Sara M Hannan

      I have a BA in theatre with an emphasis on acting and directing. I won Best Audiobook 2019 at Penned Con, an annual convention in St. Louis for independent authors. I pride myself on being able to take direction well and am always willing to tackle new projects.

      Sara M Hannan's reviews

      5(3 reviews)
      Ingrid L. -
      Sharon F. -
      Paul M. -

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