Steve Hart, voice actor

Steve Hart, voice actor

# 4TP0T70Versatile neutral British English accent.
4.5(6 reviews)
0 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      All voice over samples from Steve Hart

      About Steve Hart

      I am a British VO talent currently based in Melbourne, Australia. My range includes TV and radio commercials to movie trailers, hard sell, conversational and narration, I can deliver on most any style. Naturally I work hard to deliver exactly what you and your engineers need, always go the extra mile to provide an outstanding service, and a fast turn-around.My voice has featured in company promos, TV and radio adverts, as well as training and corporate event videos for product launches (such as cars).

      Steve Hart's reviews

      4.5(6 reviews)
      DOTMENT Employee E. -
      "the voice over was very understanding and delivering our specific needs"
      Henk van M. -
      Marija M. -
      jamie h. -
      "Great thanks"
      Jacob L. -
      "THANK YOU so much for doing the revisions and ultimately giving us several options to choose from. It was a pleasure to work with you!"

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