Vic Jonas has been acting all his adult life. He has had significant roles in various stage productions and independent films. His most recent project was a lead role in the film “Rag Dolls and Merlot “, directed by Christopher Yerkes, currently in post production and scheduled to premiere this fall. Drawn to the unique challenges presented by the art of voice acting, he pursued opportunities wherever he could find them.. He is currently narrating “Cover of Darkness“ by K. Edwin Fritz and “Watchers of the Dawn” by Stephen Schrum.. He was a criminal defense attorney for about 15 years. He left the practice entirely six years ago to pursue acting and other creative interests full time. Frequent public speaking and criminal trials have unmistakably enhanced his acting. “Vic Jonas is excellent to work with. When cast he immediately begins probing beneath the surface text to find the depth of the character that lies below.” Director Stephen Schrum, PhD “Vic has a great understanding of language and a mysterious natural quality. A walking portrait of the human condition. " Director Christopher Yerkes “Formerly a stalwart defender of Justice with a muscular body, Vic ‘You'll Find Out Why They Wont Fit In Wheelbarrow’ Jonas burned every bridge, smited every opponent and defied every Judge in the land in his ruthless pursuit of his clients' best interests. Nearly felled by an onslaught of physical maladies and professional malaise, he surrendered his legal sword and shield and has since pursued more creative, less soul-crushing vocations.” Thomas William Harrison, Content Creator, Systems Administrator