FMVOICE, voice actor

FMVOICE, voice actor

# BS53ABGVoz femenina español. Joven, Media, Adulta. Versátil, fresca, suave, natural. Variedad de registros. Spanish ( Spain ) Female, Teen, Young, Young adult and middle adult
4.8(190 reviews)
64 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why FMVOICE stands out

      • Silver Bunny Pro

        Silver Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 10% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Has fulfilled 732 projects since 2018

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from FMVOICE

      About FMVOICE

      Profesionalidad y Experiencia. Rango de voz joven-medio-adulto. Versatilidad. Cuñas de radio / Anuncios Tv / VideoS corporativos / Audioguía / Sistema telefónico / Audio Libros / Personaje / Doblaje / Presentaciones / y más... Commercials / Advertising / Product Video / Trailer / IVR / Presentations / Radio / Tv / Character / Audiobook / and more.

      FMVOICE's reviews

      4.8(190 reviews)
      Alberto C. -
      "Great Bunny Pro, highly recommended!! "
      Esther F. -
      "Very fast and taking into account all our specs on the brief"
      Mairo V. -
      "Great job!"
      "Thank you"
      Alberto M. -
      "Servicio increible"

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