Wolfgang Trompetter, voice actor

Wolfgang Trompetter, voice actor

# AI3I3O0Striking, empathetic, convincing, confidence-inspiring, serious
4.9(40 reviews)
27 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Wolfgang stands out

      • Golden Bunny Pro

        Golden Bunny Pro

        Ranked in the top 2% in overall performance

      • Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Bunny Pro for 7 years

        Has fulfilled 90 projects since 2018

      All voice over samples from Wolfgang Trompetter

      About Wolfgang Trompetter

      As a voice-over artist with my own studio and professional equipment in Frankfurt/Main, I realize your projects quickly, professionally and reliably in many areas. In addition to many other clients, I have realized a wide variety of projects for Adobe, Alfa Romeo, Amazon, DISNEY, IMAX, KiKa German TV, Ray Ban, MAN, Merck, FIAT, ITT, Mercedes, SAP, Procter&Gamble, Siemens, Union Investment, Duolingo, Allianz, SAP, Unilever, Garmin, including IVR texts, interactive tutorials, audio guides, voiceovers for image films and much more.

      Wolfgang Trompetter's reviews

      4.9(40 reviews)
      VideoMonster -
      "Super preciso, bellissima voce e velocissimo! Grazie"
      Laura B. -
      "Sehr schnelle und professionelle Bearbeitung! Danke!"
      VideoMonster -
      Lucca L. -
      "quick, professional and excellent"
      Ronny S. -
      "Super schnelle Umsetzung! Vielen Dank!"

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