Yana M, voice actor

Yana M, voice actor

# 1GLOJ98Russian, English, French
5(1 review)
5 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Yana M

      About Yana M

      Over 15 years of voice-over experience. I'm a native speaker of Russian with a standard dialect from St Petersburg. Can do light or heavy Slavic accent in English. Can also record English without an accent (or rather, with a Northeast American accent). Light accent in French. Clients include: Rosetta Stone, CBC, TransPerfect, Hotels.com, Deloitte, GlaxoSmithKline, NYSDOE, etc. Advertising, tourism, documentaries, educational, videogames, IVR systems, training videos, etc.

      Yana M's reviews

      5(1 review)
      Antonio -
      "Great work! Thank you for the revision."

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