Melissa Archer, voice actor

Melissa Archer, voice actor

# 1PESE24Versatile, unique, friendly, engaging, and professional
4.8(1653 reviews)
90 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Melissa Archer

      About Melissa Archer

      Experience: 20+ years experience with a background in radio, television, animation/cartoons, video game voice over, eBooks, children's books, audio books, mobile apps, eLearning, business on hold and IVR, corporate video sales letters and more. Studio Specs: Adobe Audition Shure SM7b dynamic microphone Focusrite Scarlett interface MacBook Pro Air Clients: Murphy Broadcasting Ida-Vend Group Lawson Productions Thunder Radio Group Symphony Teleca HC Smart ShopRite Sierra Broadcasting World Good Voices (China) Pandora OurBabyOurWorld Alcotox Energize Greens Holistic Health Labs Dillards in store Starbucks (SW) Sears and many more

      Melissa Archer's reviews

      4.8(1653 reviews)
      Media R. -
      "She is talented, creative and helpulf. Thank you so much, Melissa!"
      Kristen D. -
      "Great quality and fast delivery! Perfect acting."
      Sharon C. -
      "Thank you for your professionalism and quick response. Your patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated. "
      Sharon C. -
      "Thank you for your professionalism and quick response."
      Knox M. -
      "You did great with all the medical terms' pronunciations!! Thank you."

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