Yunlu H, voice actor

Yunlu H, voice actor

# V2L9G20Conversational, friendly, girl-next-door reads
5(3 reviews)
35 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Yunlu stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 4 years

        Bunny Pro for 4 years

        Has fulfilled 210 projects since 2021

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Yunlu H

      About Yunlu H

      Hello! I am a voice over artist who specializes in commercials, character voices, meditations, and educational videos. I also have over a decade of professional experience teaching speaking, reading, and writing.

      Yunlu H's reviews

      5(3 reviews)
      tony -
      "very professional?"
      Michel B. -
      James H. -

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